

New Patients
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At Adelaide One Dental, it is important to us that you have a clear understanding of your treatment options. Here are some of most frequently asked questions

​​What is Fastbraces?

Fastbraces® is a comprehensive orthodontic system that is used to treat a variety of orthodontic problems. It should not be confused with cosmetic systems that only treat the upper 6 front teeth. Fastbraces® has been used to treat patients for more than 25 years and is now used in over 50 countries.

The patented triangular bracket of Fastbraces® technology gently allows for movement of the crown and the root of the teeth at the same time without any extra risk for the patient and with minimal discomfort. This makes it possible to measure treatment time in months instead of years. Watch the video below for more information or visit

We would like to congratulate Dr Lorraine Thomson on becoming a Master Provider of Fastbraces.

How long does treatment take?

Treatment time will depend on the exact nature of the orthodontic problem and patient compliance. In most cases treatment with Fastbraces® will take between 120 and 240 days.


Who is suitable for Fastbraces®?

Fastbraces® is suitable for both adults and teenagers. In most cases treatment can be completed without the removal of any teeth. It is used to treat a variety of orthodontic problems including:

> Crowding of the teeth

> Gaps between the teeth

> Rotated or misaligned teeth

> Bite problems, including underbites, overbites and crossbites

We offer a free, no obligation initial consultation where we will assess your treatment needs and suitability. Cost and duration of treatment will be discussed with you during your consultation.


What is included in my treatment cost?

Your Fastbraces® treatment cost includes:

> Photographs, impressions if needed

> All of your orthodontic adjustments and review appointments

> Minor tooth reshaping for cosmetic purposes

> Fixed retainers

Fastbraces in Salisbury | Adelaide | Mawson Lakes | Paralowie | Parafield Gardens | Elizabeth | Para Hills | Adelaide CBD | Adelaide City Centre | Northern suburbs of Adelaide

Before Fastbraces® Treatment

After Fastbraces® Treatment

Get In Touch

Adelaide One Dental Salisbury


(08) 8258 8569


287 Salisbury Hwy., Salisbury Downs

Our Services

l  Advice and Education
l  Dental Bridges & Crowns
l  Dental Implants
l  Emergency Dental Service
l  Fastbraces
l  Full & Partial Dentures
l  Hygiene & Stain Removal
l  Invisalign
l  Mouthguards & Nightguards
l  Restorative Dentistry
l  Root Canal Therapy
l  Teeth Whitening